Dear IACLEA Members,
Sexual assault investigations are a harsh reality for all campus law enforcement and public safety personnel. Your agencies must build trust and have a reputation for fair and compassionate handling of these cases so that victims come forward and accountability is ensured.
To assist member agencies of all size and structure, IACLEA will offer its Sexual Assault on Campus: A Trauma-Informed Response training twice in April. Registration is open for both courses. Thanks to member institutions Southwest Tennessee Community College in Memphis (April 16–17, 2019) and San Diego State University (April 18–19, 2019) for hosting the courses.
LEARN MORE AND REGISTERA trauma-informed response can help investigators retrieve better, more consistent information from the victim, while also limiting the re-traumatization that can occur during a sexual assault investigation. The techniques are valuable when interviewing alleged perpetrators, as well.
Program OutlineThe expert facilitators will cover the following during the 1½ day training (partial list):
Realities of Campus Sexual Assault, including drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA)
Neurobiology of Trauma, including how trauma impacts victims
Trauma-Informed Investigations, including questioning strategies for initial officer and investigators
Investigative Strategies, evidence considerations, discussion of consent, and suspect interviewing techniques
Title IX and Working Collaboratively, including how to work collaboratively with campus partners and partner with local law enforcement.
A trauma-informed response to the widespread problem of sexual assault is practice for police and public safety agencies, and its use is becoming more widespread. Sworn and non-sworn officers of both public and private, two-year and four-year institutions will find it beneficial. Local police partners are also welcome to attend and will find the class beneficial.
Please consider sending an agency representative and encouraging your campus Title IX coordinator or investigator to join them.Sexual Assault on Campus: A Trauma-Informed Response dates and locations:
Southwest Tennessee Community College, April 16–17, 2019 San Diego State University, April 18–19, 2019 IACLEA Director of Training Josh Bronson will co-facilitate the workshops. He is a former special investigator on sexual assault at the University of Maryland College Park and an IACP sexual assault investigations trainer. Joining him will be retired Phoenix Police Department sex crimes Detective/Sgt. Jim Markey.
The course is open to IACLEA members and non-members, and members receive a significant discount. The cost is $249 for IACLEA members and $349 for non-members.
REGISTER NOW We hope your agency can participate in this valuable training.